mobile subscriber

美 [ˈmoʊbl səbˈskraɪbər]英 [ˈməʊbaɪl səbˈskraɪbə(r)]
  • 网络移动用户;使用者
mobile subscribermobile subscriber
  1. Weight Algorithm in Computation Mobile Subscriber Re-entry net 's Application


  2. Internet Dial up Service for Prepaid Mobile Subscriber


  3. Temporary Mobile Subscriber Identity , used for security reasons to hide the identity of a subscriber .


  4. Supporting the mobile subscriber , leting user obtain latest enterprise mail information becomes an important and urgent problem .


  5. China Mobile subscriber growth in 2009 only 60 % in 2008 , China Mobile subscribers can hardly be further increased dramatically .


  6. But as a result of fixed network resource fusion rate is close to the saturated state , China Telecom 3G mobile subscriber growth bottleneck .


  7. The power saving for mobile subscriber stations in this network is a very important issue , because all MSSs operate on the limited battery power .


  8. By the end of June 2008 , Chinese mobile phone subscriber has reached 601,000,000 , representing a penetration rate of 46 % .


  9. Calls are often disconnected , especially if a " mobile " subscriber is presumptuous enough to walk while he talks .


  10. Along with the Wuhai Unicom mobile network subscriber number of amazing development , expanding the size of the network , the user on the network communication quality requirements are more and more high .


  11. India is the world 's second-largest mobile market and notched up its billionth mobile phone subscriber in October , according to the country 's telecoms regulator .
